Attention North Carolina Customers !!
If you would like some assistance transporting your cattle to Wilson L/S Market from NC, scroll to the bottom of the page for an easy solution!
Phone 423-623-8721 - Fax 423-623-8722
(Our Next
Here's our prices for the sale 2-8-2025
Good Calves
Steers & Bulls/Cwt. | Weight | Heifers/Cwt. |
$310.00 to $405.00 | 350 pounds | $250.00 to $310.00 |
$300.00 to $370.00 | 450 pounds | $250.00 to $288.00 |
$260.00 to $340.00 | 550 pounds | $220.00 to $281.00 |
$220.00 to $285.00 | 650 pounds | $210.00 to $235.00 |
$200.00 to $255.00 | 750 pounds | $190.00 to $230.00 |
Plainer Calves
Steers & Bulls/Cwt. | Weight | Heifers/Cwt. |
$250.00 to $300.00 | 350 pounds | $200.00 to $250.00 |
$250.00 to $300.00 | 450 pounds | $200.00 to $250.00 |
$220.00 to $260.00 | 550 pounds | $180.00 to $220.00 |
$200.00 to $220.00 | 650 pounds | $170.00 to $210.00 |
$170.00 to $200.00 | 750 pounds | $160.00 to $190.00 |
Slaughter Cows $94.00/cwt. to $161.00/cwt
Slaughter Bulls $160.00/cwt. to $183.00/ cwt
Bred Cows $1500.00 to $2400.00
Cow/Calf Pairs $2000.00 to $3000.000
Randy Hodge - Manager
Cell phone # 865-414-7801
Wilson Livestock Market
We are making the following arrangements for you if you would like some assistance in transporting
your cattle to Wilson Livestock Market for sale.
Cattle can be dropped off at the Adrian Presnell Farm on Fridays from 10 AM until 6 PM
Adrian's Farm is located on Upper Crabtree Rd. in Clyde, NC
Cattle will be tagged and processed for the Saturday Sale; transported to Newport on Friday,
given free hay and water with a reasonable transportation charge
If you have questions, Call Randy Hodge at 423-623-8721 or Adrian Presnell at 828-734-6396